Font Licences

Desktop License

Desktop: For use on a desktop workstation

This font family can be used for personal and commercial works. You can use this font at a single home or business location on a maximum of 5 desktops. The fonts are provided in opentype format (OTF).

Larger licenses are available; for more info please get in touch


You can do any kind of design work with this font family, including logo/trademarks design.

The font may be used in e-publications.

Not Allowed:

You may not sell this font without permission.

You may not redistribute this font without permission.

You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on this font.

You may not convert to webfont formats.

TrueType Fonts

Fonts may be provided in TrueType format (TTF) upon request

Web License

Some Colt Type Co fonts also include webfonts as part of the product. If your download included any webfonts you are free to use them on websites you own. This does not include websites made for clients. As with any font software, a licence must be acquired by the end-user.

If a webfont has not been supplied please get in touch to get the appropriate license needed.